This Sacred Heart of jesus is Beautifully hand Carved by local Christians in Bethlehem. "Heart of jesus , substantially united to the word of God ." It is to His own Heart that christ refers in the Gospels: " My heart gose out to my people" ( MT 15:31) and " Come to me , all you who are weary and find life burdensome , and i will refresh you . Take my yoke upon your shouldes ad learn from me , for i am gentle and Humble of Heart . Your souls will find rest , for my yoke is easy and my burden light " ( Mt 11:28-29) The main reason for devotion to the sacred Heart is the love of Jesus for His Father , and thus for Mankind . In the Scriptures , the heart is Often employed as a symbol of God's love for men and of their love for their Creator. A nice gift to be placed at Home , work for Blessing .
Jesus Statue
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